Get Involved
How can you be a part of Reaching Beyond Globally?
Reaching Beyond Globally believes all students should be able to attend and complete four years of secondary school plus two years of post-secondary school education. Your donation makes this possible.
Funding an Education
Reaching Beyond Globally strives to assist students from Deirdre Ann Academy in financial need to attend secondary school. This means raising funds for school and boarding fees, as well as other school requirements. Every donation from you goes directly to a student in need. Without your help, most students would not be able to attend secondary school and beyond. Instead, their education would finish after primary school and they would begin to work, or in the case of girls be married and start families. These students aspire for a different life than before. We have the opportunity and ability to give them six more years of education.

One year of Secondary School
$1,000 USD pays for a student to attend one year of Secondary School.
We work with three Secondary Schools. Students will attend four years of Secondary School and then apply for Post-Secondary School A levels, or Certificate programs.
Post-Secondary Education
$1,000 USD pays for 1 year of Post-Secondary Education.
Post-Secondary Education consists of two more years of either A-Level studies to prepare for University, or Certificate Programs to prepare students for employment.
Monthly Donations
A monthly donation of any amount will go directly to a student's Secondary School fees. We ask that when you commit to a monthly donation, you do so for a year.
School Uniforms
$50 USD pays for a student's uniform and winter sweater.
The students are expected to have clean and tidy uniforms throughout the year.
School Requirements
$150 USD pays for their other boarding school needs for the year.
Every student must provide their own: mattress, bedding, school supplies, bag of cement, toiletries (including toilet paper), bathing soap, dining supplies (cup, plate, spoon, fork), and more.
Dining Hall Contributions
$100 USD pays for their other dining hall contributions for the year.
All students must contribute to the school's dining hall by either providing funds for food, or the food itself.
$15 USD pays for a backpack.
Each student needs a backpack to carry their books from the dorm to their classrooms, and also to be able to transport their school items home during their breaks.
Pocket Money
$20 USD pays for spending money for the canteen.
Every school has a canteen for purchasing snacks, toiletries and necessities for school. These items can be purchased year round when they run out of requirements they brought at the start of the school year.
Get involved in other ways
While funding secondary school education is our number one goal, we are always looking for ways to offer more to the community surrounding Kiryabicooli. Have a company that is looking for a way to give back? Reach out and see how you can be part of Reaching Beyond Globally. Love social media? Join us in creating a fundraising campaign on your own social media platform. Do you teach an elementary school class? Let's create a penpal program. Want to teach a sport or art form in Kiryabicooli? Let's make it happen. As we continue to grow as an organization we are constantly looking for ways to expand our reach and enrich the lives of the students we work with and the lives of everyone involved. Still unsure how you can help? Check out our Initiatives page to see how others have become an integral part of the Reaching Beyond Globally organization and how you can too.